Rewards inspiration

Here is a list of the rewards that you can easily add into your rewards system:

  • Spa day
    Everybody has got to love day in the spa centre.
  • Streaming services reward
    Opt for a movie streaming service like as Netflix, Hulu, or Apple TV, or indulge in a music subscription like Spotify or Apple Music.
  • Board game with CEO
    Spend time with the company’s CEO and play Chess or another Board game.
  • Front row parking spot
    Get front row parking spot for 7 days
  • Company offsite
    Celebrate team achievements with a company-wide offsite trip.
  • Mystery box
    Reedem, Kudos for the Mystery box. Each box could be custom-tailored for every person.
  • Digital gift card
    Hard work deserves this extra touch of delight. Amazon Gift Card or Steam is always a good choice.
  • Adventure time
    Community reward takes the whole team to some adventure in your area.
  • Employee of the Month
    A good old-fashioned picture of the Employee hangs on the company’s wall with a personalized message.
  • Karaoke day
    This can go wrong, but who cares if
    the team is happy?
  • 6-month gym membership
    Grab a gym membership for team members. 
  • Swap jobs for a day
    Experience a job swap for a day! Team members can choose someone to exchange roles with for a day.
  • Additional paid time off
    It is a serious reward but a team member or a team deserves it.
  • Charity of their choice
    The honoured team member can select a charity of their choice, and everyone will have the opportunity to contribute to it.
  • Super verbal praise 
    Stand up and appreciate your team in front of everybody – you will feel great!
  • Money reward 
    You can probably do this. It is not forbidden :).
  • Two concert tickets 
    Concert tickets to team members and empower them to choose their preferred companions for the event.
  • Group lunch
    Allocate funds for a group lunch, with a budget of up to $$$. A team member can receive the lunch funds and coordinate the outing for the whole team.
  • Employee pitch night
    Recognize outstanding contributions by allowing employees to pitch their ideas and contribute meaningfully to the company.
  • Passion pass
    You can create a reward granting employees time to pursue their passions, fostering a workplace filled with content and inspired individuals.