
Rewards system

Create tailored rewards your team will love to use

With Sweet Kudos, you can easily create meaningful rewards that are custom-tailored, unique for your company and redeemable for Kudos.


Flexibility of the rewards system​

You will get a powerful tool that will help you automate rewards in your team. The teams who grow with Sweet Kudos love redeeming rewards.


You can invite the entire team to contribute towards a collective goal that, once achieved, will result in a significant reward.

Hidden rewards

Add an element of surprise. Reward will be visible to team members once they have enough Kudos to redeem it.

Redeem multiple times

Some rewards are not just a one-time treat. With earned kudos, team members can redeem certain rewards multiple times.

Some of the ideas for Rewards

  • Spa day
    Everybody gotta love day in spa center.
  • Streaming services reward
    Opt for a movie streaming service like as Netflix, Hulu, or Apple TV, or indulge in a music subscription like Spotify or Apple Music.
  • Board game with CEO
    Spend time with the company’s CEO and play Chess or another Board game.
  • Front row parking spot
    Get front row parking spot for 7 days
  • Company offsite
    Celebrate team achievements with a company-wide offsite trip.
  • Mystery box
    Reedem, Kudos for the Mystery box. Each box could be custom-tailored for every person.
  • Digital gift card
    Hard work deserves this extra touch of delight. Amazon Gift Card or Steam is always a good choice.
  • Adventure time
    Community reward takes the whole team to some adventure in your area. 
  • Employee of the Month
    A good old-fashioned picture of the Employee hangs on the company’s wall with a personalized message.
  • Karaoke day
    This can go wrong, but who cares as long as the team is happy?
  • 6-month gym membership
    Grab a gym membership for team members. 
  • Swap jobs for a day
    Experience a job swap for a day! Team members can choose someone to exchange roles with for a day.
  • Additional paid time off
    It is a serious reward but a team member or a team deserves it.
  • Charity of their choice
    The honoured team member has the privilege to select a charity of their choice, and everyone will have the opportunity to contribute to it.
  • Super verbal praise 
    Stand up and appreciate your team in front of everybody – you will feel great!
  • Money reward 
    You can probably do this. It is not forbidden :).
  • Two concert tickets 
    Concert tickets to team members and empower them to choose their preferred companions for the event.
  • Group lunch
    Allocate funds for a group lunch, with a budget of up to $$$. A team member can receive the lunch funds and coordinate the outing for the whole team.
  • Employee pitch night
    Recognize outstanding contributions by allowing employees to pitch their ideas and contribute meaningfully to the company.
  • Passion pass
    You can create a reward granting employees time to pursue their passions, fostering a workplace filled with content and inspired individuals.